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Friday Practice Parties 8-9:30 PM

"Oh, I want to dance with somebody!"

Welcome to Des Moines Ballroom. We are here to help you learn to dance, with somebody. 

Check out our class schedule, or schedule a private lesson. 

Disco Ball on Floor
Our class was sold out so what a crowd! Our instructor did a fabulous job giving personal instruction to those who needed it. My hubby and I learned a lot and can't wait till next Tuesday 😃

Jeff and Lisa Ness

“Every step is part of life, and there is life in every step.  Life isn’t a race, it’s a dance.  Every step forward and every step back, stepping sidewards and twirling in circles, are all part of the dance we call life.  Great dancers are never in a hurry.  They relax into the rhythm, become one with their partners, and experience the exhilaration of the dance.” - Matthew Kelly

1925 High Street Des Moines, Iowa 50309​ 

© 2022 Des Moines Ballroom

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